Nathalie Debaes
17 May 2021
Local hubs

European SMEs, start-ups, and scale-ups who have a vested interest in photonics – either as technology providers or as early users or potential adopters of photonics – can join the community and find business, technology, and investment support to innovate in any of the eight following domains: Agro-food, Energy, Digital infrastructure, Mobility, Health, Manufacturing, Safety/Security/Smart cities, Space/Defence.


PhotonHub community members will have direct access to highly relevant and engaging content such as interactive webinars with leading experts and mentors, news items, success stories, videos and information links for suitable investment opportunities, and private networking opportunities with other entrepreneurs as well as researchers and investors.

Watch this short onboarding video with some quick tips to help get you started in the community.

PhotonHub Europe is a new pan-European photonics digital innovation hub and has been awarded €19 million investment from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme. The initiative will help European SMEs and mid-caps become highly competitive digital businesses through faster & smarter deployment of photonics-based technologies, directly creating over 1.000 new high-tech EU jobs and nearly €1 billion in new revenues and venture capital by 2025.

Join the PhotonHub community today at and start networking with today’s leaders in photonics across Europe.

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